Friday, August 21, 2009

Literary Storm

It's really windy and thunder-y and generally stormy outside right now.

This makes me very happy as we almost never get to experience this kind of weather in AZ, even during what we dub "monsoon season" [overreaction much? haha].

Well lately I've been reading a bunch of teen chick lit and now I'm addicted to its fluffy predictable-storyline goodness. This week I've read:

Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison

its sequel, On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God [neither are as raunchy as they sound, I swear!]

The Queen Geek Social Club by Laura Preble

and just finished today: The Actual Real Reality of Jennifer James by Gillian Shields

This weekend I need to go to the library [in order to further indulge my new addiction] and buy my textbooks for school, which starts on Monday[!!!] I'm not quite ready for it to start, but oh well.

Guess that's all for today!


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