Friday, October 26, 2007

Prayers and Essays and Sleep, oh my!

"Dear Jesus, help me to spread Your fragrance everywhere that I go..."
-"Fragrance Prayer" (song by Tom Booth, lyrics by Ven. John Henry Newman & adapted by Mother Teresa)

I was looking through my song library on Windows Media Player and I wanted to listen to this song, but it wouldn't I, quite naturally, Googled it. ^^ On you can listen to the whole song for free and read the lyrics, too! :)

Anyhoo...late last night I had the unpleasant surprise of realizing that my English essay is due on Monday (for peer editing). So, this weekend will be spent writing! But since I have my thesis written, I'm not too worried about it. It's a cause & effect essay & I chose an easy topic that I care about-what more could I ask for? My hope/plan is to write the rough draft tomorrow and touch it up on Sunday (technically the final draft isn't due for another week, so I don't mind if it's not *perfect* for Monday-just almost perfect.)

And now I'm off to catch up on some much-needed sleep!

God bless,