Saturday, October 31, 2009
The sun's still shining when I close my eyes.
I've been planning a Halloween party with a couple friends for a month or so, and the excitement has been gradually building. I'm so glad the day is finally here! Goofing off with my friends (in costumes, no less) is one of my favorite occupations.
What else...oh yes, NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow, and I've decided to give it a try! I was lamenting my lack of creative outlets when I found out about it. I think it'll be a good experience for me in creativity and endurance. 175 pages in 30 days-woohoo!
I will surely blog about the party later, complete with pictures.
Happy Halloween!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Oh! Materialism.
Even though the lyrics are kind of sad, it somehow still gives me a hopeful feeling that things will be alright.
...I love when songs do that. (:
So, in other news, I finally ordered Deathly Hallows on Amazon (I know, what kind of crap HP fan am I, buying the book two years after it was published?! Nevertheless...) and in order to get free shipping I had to buy $25 worth of items, so I bought a cd as well. It's called Limbs and Branches by Switchfoot's Jon Foreman. I've only heard one of the songs on it, House of God Forever, but it, too, is One of Those Songs, so I just had to buy the album. I listened to clips from the other songs on the cd, and they sound good too, so...yippee! I love waiting for packages to arrive-it makes me feel like a kid at Christmastime. :]
And Paramore's new cd, Brand New Eyes, comes out in 9 days! I can't wait to hear it.
Since apparently my mind is on other GREAT news, I got the Bargain to End All Bargains. A $70 dress-of-my-dreams discounted to $26. At Macy's. Pricey, fancy, ridiculously expensive Macy's.
And with that thought, I bid thee adieu.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ensalada Deliciosa
Howdy, folks!
Today I thought I'd share with you my favorite salad recipe, one of my own culinary creations, which I wittily dub "Spinach Apple Salad." It's so simple to throw together, yet it hits the spot every time. It's great as a side salad but can be filling enough to be a meal in itself.
1/3 to 1/2 bag of spinach (don't forget to rinse it off if it's not pre-washed)
1 apple, sliced into bite-sized chunks (can toss apple chunks w/ cinnamon for added flavor)
handful of walnuts (or substitute your nut of choice)
handful of raisins (or two handfuls, if you're me♥)
Toss together in medium-size bowl and serve!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
YouTube, Ghibli and Reptiles (oh my!)
Today I saw the Studio Ghibli film Ponyo. It was way better than I thought it would be, and definitely up to director Hayao Miyazaki's (Kiki's Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle) legendary standards. I highly recommend that you see it while it's in theatres! Another benefit to supporting this film is that if it does well more Japanese movies are likely to be dubbed for English-speaking audiences. (Note: I usually avoid dubs at all costs, but this one wasn't cheesy like most dubs usually are.)
Here's the trailer:
Also, while adding annotations to our video on Thursday, I spotted a funny sight:
A lizard (brought inside and missing its tail, thanks to my two cats) had taken refuge in a stand-up fan in my living room!
My dad later took it outside, where hopefully it is safely out of reach of the devious felines.
In other news, my fall semester begins tomorrow! I'm so not looking forward to waking up early and fighting for a decent parking spot. I also hope/beg/pray that my anatomy teacher is merciful and decides not to use all three of the allotted hours for our lab. [Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease.] Science labs are the bane of my existence.
Alrighty, I'm off to prepare my things for tomorrow!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Literary Storm
This makes me very happy as we almost never get to experience this kind of weather in AZ, even during what we dub "monsoon season" [overreaction much? haha].
Well lately I've been reading a bunch of teen chick lit and now I'm addicted to its fluffy predictable-storyline goodness. This week I've read:
Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison
its sequel, On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God [neither are as raunchy as they sound, I swear!]
The Queen Geek Social Club by Laura Preble
and just finished today: The Actual Real Reality of Jennifer James by Gillian Shields
This weekend I need to go to the library [in order to further indulge my new addiction] and buy my textbooks for school, which starts on Monday[!!!] I'm not quite ready for it to start, but oh well.
Guess that's all for today!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I hope you dance.
-Shakespeare, Hamlet
This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
"Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy/ but I've got friends that love me/ and they know where I stand"
In a contemplative mood this evening. I'm realizing more and more lately that I need to cherish the friendships that I so often take for granted.
"Everything I am/ everything I long to be/ I lay it down/ at Your feet"
I'm finally at a point in my life where I'm content with who I am and have learned to accept my imperfections. But, like anyone, I still wonder and worry about the future. What will I be doing 5, 10 years from now? What will my life be like? Will I still be close to the friends I have now? Will I be married, dating, single? Where will I be living? Will I have a job that I love? Will I have a better relationship with God?
"I want your symphony/ singing in all that I am/ at the top of my lungs/ I'm giving it back"
I'm uncertain and wish I had all the answers, but I know from experience that worrying only invites fear and depression.
"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance/ never settle for the path of least resistance/ living might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking"
So here's to living in the moment and letting the future come at its own pace-God's own pace.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Harry Potter and the Incredible Cakepod
Oh yeah, I'm 20 now, by the more teenagedom for me! Sayonara.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A Sugary Update
I showed my mom around the Asian Market yesterday, and besides getting another package of cookies and that jar of Eurocrem I had been eyeing, I also found a Eurocrem candy bar! I am officially addicted. [:
Also, I made cookies with my friend today! Or rather, I made cookies while he held the cookbook for me. ;) I tried a new recipe from my Nestle cookbook called "Jumbo 3-Chip Cookies"-usually we only have semi-sweet chips at my house, but we had a bag of white chocolate♥ chips in the cupboard, so I decided to combine! The recipe called for milk choc. chips as well, but I think milk chocolate is a bit overrated (plus I didn't feel like buying a bag of them), so I just modified the recipe a bit and they turned out GREAT. They're much bigger than the cookies I usually make (it called for 1/4 cup scoops!!! instead of the usual rounded tablespoonfuls). They turned out just like the cookies from Paradise Bakery & Mrs. Fields'-now I know their secrets! (Use both granulated & brown sugars, less salt, and larger scoops of dough.) Mwaha.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
If I were a rich man...I'd buy a lifetime supply of Eurocream-filled cookies.
There's this pottery place called As You Wish near my house. Basically it works as follows: you pay a fee to sit at a table, then you choose a blank ceramic piece from their collection (items range from the useful-such as bowls and pen holders-to the decorative-including kittens and mermaids). Then you grab some paint and paintbrushes and get to work! When you're finished, you pay for your piece and leave it with them. They fire it in their kiln, and you go back two days later to pick up your newly-glazed, shiny item! It's a lot of fun.
I prefer to spend money/time on things that won't just sit around collecting dust, so I chose a couple of tiles (to be used as coasters) to paint. At first I was just going to paint one, but as my idea evolved I realized it wasn't going to fit on one tile, haha. It took me at least two hours to paint (arts & crafts + perfectionism = a terrible thing) but it was worth it! I think it turned out really cute. They're not attached, btw; it's just that the full design can only be seen when they're placed side-by-side.
Okay. So there's this grocery store about 10 minutes from my house, creatively called "Asian Market", that sells imported goods-mostly Asian food items (imagine that!) but also some things from Europe. Well, I'd been wanting to go there for quite some time and my friend finally got me to go. As soon as I stepped in the door, I knew: I'd found My Place. Home. Heaven. Whatever you want to call it. Imported goods, far as the eye can see! Edible imported goods!
Well, we were there to get snacks to sneak into the movie theatre (I usually don't condone rule-breaking, but no way am I paying $10 for crappy movie theatre food. If I'm going to eat junk food, it's going to be delicious and cheap, by golly!) So we went straight to the snack food aisles, and I fell in love. After much browsing (and drooling), I laid my eyes on this [above] package, and I knew I'd found the perfect snack. Cookies w/chocolate filling, not made by Nabisco? Heck yes.
But the packaging was nothing compared to the taste of these babies. One bite during the previews and I was hooked. I'm-moving-to-Europe-to-be-closer-to-the-source-of-this-goodness-hooked. The cookie wafers themselves had a nice flavor, but it was the chocolatey cream (Eurocream, which, I found out, is like Nutella but 1,000,000,000,000,000...etc. times better) combined with the crunchy cookie texture that got me. I will never call another cookie delicious again.
Yes, I did just spend most of my blog ranting about imported cookies. ¬_¬;; No time I go to the Asian Market I'm buying a jar of Eurocream and as many packages of those cookies as I can afford. They're made in Serbia, btw. Guess the Balkans know how to please the taste buds! Usually I steer clear from pre-made/packaged cookies (I figure if I'm going to take in a ton of calories, they're going to be made by me in my own kitchen where no preservatives are added), but for these I shall definitely make an exception. [/rant]
...Drat, now I want some of those cookies. Well, I have class in the morning so I'd better get some rest.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friendship on Memorial Day
Thank You, Lord, for bringing them into my life. (:♥
Happy Memorial Day, by the way! May those who have died fighting for our country rest in peace, and may those who have in the past or are currently serving to protect their countries from harm (no matter where in the world they live/come from) be blessed. [...Amen.]
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Dogs and Oven Usage
And since I'm on the topic of baking...for Mother's Day a couple weeks ago I decided at the last minute to make breakfast in bed for my mom, and I found a recipe for blueberry buckle (basically coffee cake w/ blueberries in it) online. I had never made coffee cake from scratch before; I'd always relied on the Bisquik box recipe (which is never quite sweet enough for my taste), so I was excited to try this recipe out. Well, let me tell you, it was AMAZINGly delicious. There's nothing like fresh blueberries to spruce up a recipe.
I ate it for breakfast for the next few days...I think I ate more of it than anyone else, hehe...
...And that is that.
Oh, by the way, I've a sad confession to make: I just now, after over a year of having this blog, realized that I don't have to use the html view when writing my blog post. ¬_¬;; Speak of this to no one...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
No sleep + BBC = fun times
But really, I was perusing the BBC's news site and stumbled across an article on England's summer weather (which apparently is typically very wet and cool-one word: ENVY) and I was reminded of the reason I read the BBC in the first place:
"The very notion of cramming Wimbledon, Ascot, Henley, the Lord's Test match, hundreds of church fetes, and thousands of back-garden barbecues into the second half of June is clearly an act of extreme provocation. Is it any wonder that Mother Nature cannot resist?" -
Subtle yet clever. Or it could just be that I'm really, really tired. At any rate, I'd have to dig around for quite awhile to find that sort of humour on CNN, MSNBC, and the like. to sleep for real this time.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The spring semester is [finally!!!] over. Unfortunately I didn't do too well in one of my classes so I have to take it over again. :( That's never happened to me before; I've always been a straight-A student. But this semester I kind of fell off the bandwagon I guess. Oh well, I don't mind taking it again if it means I can get a better grade and fix my GPA. Though the thought of sitting through a lab every week again makes me... *twitch*
Anyways, so I'm going to take a summer class (different course) so that I can retake that other class in the fall without overloading my semester.
I saw the new Star Trek movie 2 times in less than a week, even though I am the furthest thing from a trekkie possible. It was well-made: good plot, fast-paced action, great graphics, and best of all a good cast. I haven't enjoyed an action/sci-fi/fantasy/superhero-type movie that much in years.
On Sunday I went to a local peach orchard with my aunt, nana and cousin to [you guessed it) pick peaches. We tried to get there early to avoid the heat as much as possible, though of course this is the Southwest so avoiding the heat is like a fish avoiding water. (At least at this time of year.) Anyway, the peaches were really cheap ($1.75/lb) so we picked about 25 lbs in all.
It was a lot of fun, and afterwards we went to a pancake breakfast (still @ the orchard/farm) and waited in line for about 45 minutes to consume gigantic frisbee-sized pancakes. They were delicious, but we definitely had to share them (Half of one filled me up plenty.)
Then yesterday I went out to breakfast with my cousin @ IHOP and our waiter hadn't come around for awhile, so he told me how one time at a restaurant his waiter left without telling anyone to take over the table. So we finished eating and sat around twiddling our thumbs, looking around, and our waiter still didn't show up. So we finally signaled another waiter and told him our waiter hadn't come around in awhile, and you know what he told us? He went home because he was having back pains. Now, if you leave in the middle of your shift, shouldn't you maybe get someone to take over for you?!? least the food was good. -_-
Later he drove me home, and we had to endure a 45-minute drive on the freeway in his car without a/c. In the hottest part of the day. I nearly died. x_x
So that's the latest of my exciting life adventures.
And now, off to bed!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Ordinary Side of an Extraordinary Man ♥
♥♥♥ He was (& is) a saint, no doubt about it, but he was also an ordinary person.
Wish I could've snuck him some of my homemade desserts. It's the least I could've done for the man whose teaching and life has influenced my own in such a profound way.
JPII, we [will always] love you!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Just an Ordinary Day
♦ Woke up late (15 minutes before class started, to be exact)
♦ Helped dissect a fetal pig (pobrecito!!)
♦ Watched 1.5 Gilmore Girls episodes
♦ Ate 2.5 of my homemade, less-than-24-hours-old chocolate-chip cookies
♦ Went to Old Navy & spent my mom's money on cute shirts :P
♦ etc.
All in all, a good day. Just one class tomorrow, then weekend, here I come!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
1. Sitting in class, absorbing (or not) info
2. Trying to have a social life, and putting off doing my hw in the process
3. Frantically trying to finish said hw on time, and failing miserably half the time
This has not been a good semester for me at all, so I'm glad it's almost over. I don't regret spending more time w/ my friends, though-I never spend enough time with them, and I always have the most fun goofing off together. Mostly watching movies @ home & walking aimlessly around various malls since we're poor and mostly unemployed atm, but still. ;) It's like high school all over again.
ANYWAY, so that's what my school & social lives have been like. In other news...Lent came and went, and Easter, too! I kind of fell off the bandwagon as far as my Lenten aspirations went, due to a number of factors (one of which being the death of my uncle Benny-may he rest in peace). But I greatly enjoyed participating in the Triduum services, especially on Holy Saturday evening @ the Easter Vigil-my absolute favorite Mass of the whole entire year. No matter how lousy a Lent I've had, going to the Easter Vigil always brings me back to God. I wish I could adequately describe it-our entrance with candles into the dark church, the multiple Scripture readings and psalms in the dim light, the lights being turned on as the congregation sings our first 'Alleluia' since Lent began, the joyous Gospel proclamation of Christ's Resurrection, and Fr. Ed's ever-beautiful and joyful homiy about the miracle of Easter. Then we get to witness the baptism (always emoional for me, even though I usually don't know the people) and/or reception of other Sacraments by new Catholics ♥ and renew our own baptismal vows. All the while we get to sing beautiful hymns of joy.
Then I go back again on Easter morning to squeeze in with the Christmas/Easter crowd (if you're one of those people, come more often, please!) to celebrate again.
So...I think that's it for blogworthy news. Oh, and I decided to give Twitter a go, as you can see on the sidebar >>>. I like it, even if I'm the only person who reads my tweets. OH! One more thing...I've got myself a new quasi-addiction: the Eurovision song contest. Check out the youtube channel and get yourself addicted, too.
Can't wait for the contest finals on May 16...I'll totally be watching online! Thinking of having someone(s) over to watch it w/ me, but not sure if any of my friends will understand my newfound addiction. So far my top 5 (ok, 6, couldn't make up my mind) favorites are:
1. Serbia's Cipela
2. Finland's Lose Control
3. Bosnia & Hercegovina's Bistra Voda
4. Ireland's Et Cetera
5. Andorra's La Teva Decisio
6. Armenia's Jan Jan
When it gets closer to the finals, I may comment more. Go watch all 42 songs on youtube! There's some awesome music out there.
K, gotta go finish a paper now.
God bless!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Friends + movie-mocking = ♥
Now, before you disregard this post as another Twilight-obsessed rant, allow me to explain. I am a fan of the books; I enjoyed reading them & thought they were well-written. However, I am not obsessed beyond reason, nor do I think that Edward is The Perfect Guy. He has his redeeming qualities, to be sure, as do all fictional love interests, but I find his obsessive fangirls a bit frightening. Personally, I spend the majority of my obsessive energy on LotR, and everything else is secondary. :P
But I digress. I have seen the Twilight movie thrice now, and it seems to get worse with each viewing. I just did not like the way the two main actors (Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson) delivered their lines (it was too awkward-sounding), and throughout the movie they never seemed to convey a sense that they were falling in love. Plus, the screenplay was teeming with cheesy one-liners that, while they may have sounded good in the books, did not translate well onto the screen. However, I thought that most of the supporting actors/actresses did a great job, and the music & scenery was wonderful. So basically, as I told my friend, if you just squint a little (so as to not see the bad acting) and make up your own lines, you'll enjoy the movie.
ANYWAY, so we went to the cheap theatre, and we prepared for a couple of hours of fun. You see, we decided to make the movie enjoyable by adding our own commentary/wisecracks/etc. My friend hadn't seen the movie, but she had read the plots of all 4 books (cheater, tsk, tsk) on Wikipedia, so she somewhat knew what was going on. Let me tell you, the cheap (aka poor people's) theatre is the best place to watch a movie if you want to be able to goof off during the show, because there's hardly anyone else in the theatre with you, and chances are everyone's seen the movie before, so you don't feel as bad about disrupting their movie-viewing experience. We did whisper, though-we're not completely inconsiderate. Let me just say that I enjoyed the movie this third viewing more than the other two combined, due to the constant mocking that my friend and I engaged in.
Two Words: Good Times.
I thank God for: my friends. So often I forget how much they contribute to my well-being and sanity, but every time I hang out with them, I am reminded of how blessed I am to have them in my life. Cheesy and cliché, yes, but true. So thank you, Lord!
And good night to you all (or none, whichever category you readers may fall into).
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The Weather and Lent
So, I just took a walk/jog around the neighborhood-my daily exercise. It was refreshing, but now I'm feeling the months spent sitting indoors, not exercising. Maybe I should not have run so much, so soon. Glad to put my sports shorts to good use, though. I could actually wear shorts this evening-can you believe it? The cold weather is subsiding at last-though in about three months' time, I'll be begging for winter again. Alas, that is life in the desert-y regions of the U.S., and the fate of us desert-dwellers: we complain about the heat during the summer and what should be autumn in NORMAL places-we don't really have a fall season around here; just summer and winter-then a few weeks into winter and we're complaining that it's too cold out (well, the wimpier of us, anyways-like me). The only time we really ever stop complaining is during spring, which usually consists of March and most of April, if we're lucky. But even then, we're anticipating the heat that is to come. ...Why do so many people relocate here, again? Mind you, the weather is less neurotic up north, in Payson, Sedona, Flagstaff and the like. But they get snow in the winter, and snow means reeeeeally cold weather. Too cold for a born-and-bred-Valley-dwelling-wimp like me. It's fun to visit for a day or two, but any more than that is just...not fun.
Wow, you know you have nothing significant to blog about when you spend half your post rambling on about the weather...and I wonder why I have no readers. (Actually, I don't wonder, but you get the point.)
Um..oh yeah! I do have something of some degree of importance to say! Hah.
I've decided what to do for Lent! :D This Lent, I'm going to exercise 30 min/day and read two books that I've been meaning to read but haven't gotten around to finishing:
Divine Mercy in My Soul (the diary of St. Faustina Kowalska of Poland) and A Civilization of Love-What Every Catholic Can Do to Transform the World by Carl Anderson. Maybe those two things don't sound like that big of a deal, but to me they are easier said than done, and that's the point of Lent-to drag oneself out of one's spiritual (and otherwise) complacency and overcome selfishness in order to be able to have a better relationship with God-that's how I apply it to my life, anyway. Whoever says that being Catholic is a liar. :P The no-meat-on-Fridays thing is the least of my concerns.
Well, that walk tired me out, and I need to get some sleep in order to take notes in class tomorrow morning with some amount of comprehension. So, I shall bid thee, dear invisible audience, adieu.
¡Buenas Noches!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Lots of Gibberish (aka a Long-Awaited Update)
Here I sit, using my new laptop (a generous Christmas gift from my parents, who were probably sick of hearing me complain about being stuck doing hw on the family desktop computer in the dreary corner of the family room day in and day out). It's an HP Pavilion, 14" screen, Core2 Duo processor, 4 GB RAM, 350? GB storage (I think). Now, normally, none of that would make much sense to me, but trying to shop for this thing has broadened my knowledge of computer properties [albeit infinitesimally]. Here's what it looks like. Originally I had gotten (bad word choice, I know) a Gateway, but it kept freezing and the store we bought it from was no help, so we just returned it, went to a different store and found this one. My only complaint is that the lettering on the keys is difficult to read in certain lighting, but I guess that's just an incentive for me to learn to touch-type (I know, I'm in college and I still haven't figured that out-what can I say? I didn't pay attention during computer class in junior high).'s been way too long since I've posted, and I didn't have much motivation (and had half-considered deleting this thing) until I read a blog that I like to follow, which I hadn't read in a long time (due to the fact that I haven't been online much recently). Anyway, it inspired me to start bloggng again, even though I don't think anyone reads this. It's kinda therapeutic, y'know? And since I've stopped writing in my regular journal (it depresses me, for some reason-bad memories, maybe?) I think posting here will be a nice change of scenery.
So, what's new in my life? Well, I'm in my 4th semester of community college already (I can hear the judgemental thoughts forming in your head-believe me, community college is much better than it's commonly portrayed!)-only one more semester to go after this one until I transfer to a university. Of course, with all the budget-cutting drama that my state's universities have been discussing, I dunno if there will be a university for me to go to (joking, but they are considering closing the campus nearest to my house).
I'm taking less credits than last semester (13 instead of 17-definitely a relief), but I'm not overly fond of a couple of my classes, especially anatomy *twitch* (I am terrible at science) so that's a bummer. And I keep worrying about getting a job, because I want to save up $ for a variety of possibilities. But I've never had a job before (pathetic but true) and I'm a little nervous about trying to find one now. I'll probably wait until the end of the semester, to save myself from unwanted/unecessary stress.
What else..? Oh yeah-it's Lent again! It always takes me by surprise. I'm still not quite sure what I'm doing for Lent (see, I procrastinate in my spiritual life as well! ¬_¬) but I want to do something proactive this year (i.e. doing something rather than giving something up). I had thought about cleaning my room as a penance, which desperately needs doing (I envy those people who keep their rooms nice & tidy) but I don't have much time to do it during the week, and I want to choose something that I can do every day. I've always wanted to read St. Faustina's published diary (called Divine Mercy in My Soul) but I never get around to it. Maybe I'll do that...we'll see. Next time I update my blog (which will be soon, I swear!), I'll let you (O nonexistant readers) know what I've decided.
Well, I must be off to do my homework and other necessary things.
'Ta Lue!