The spring semester is [finally!!!] over. Unfortunately I didn't do too well in one of my classes so I have to take it over again. :( That's never happened to me before; I've always been a straight-A student. But this semester I kind of fell off the bandwagon I guess. Oh well, I don't mind taking it again if it means I can get a better grade and fix my GPA. Though the thought of sitting through a lab every week again makes me... *twitch*
Anyways, so I'm going to take a summer class (different course) so that I can retake that other class in the fall without overloading my semester.
I saw the new Star Trek movie 2 times in less than a week, even though I am the furthest thing from a trekkie possible. It was well-made: good plot, fast-paced action, great graphics, and best of all a good cast. I haven't enjoyed an action/sci-fi/fantasy/superhero-type movie that much in years.
On Sunday I went to a local peach orchard with my aunt, nana and cousin to [you guessed it) pick peaches. We tried to get there early to avoid the heat as much as possible, though of course this is the Southwest so avoiding the heat is like a fish avoiding water. (At least at this time of year.) Anyway, the peaches were really cheap ($1.75/lb) so we picked about 25 lbs in all.
It was a lot of fun, and afterwards we went to a pancake breakfast (still @ the orchard/farm) and waited in line for about 45 minutes to consume gigantic frisbee-sized pancakes. They were delicious, but we definitely had to share them (Half of one filled me up plenty.)
Then yesterday I went out to breakfast with my cousin @ IHOP and our waiter hadn't come around for awhile, so he told me how one time at a restaurant his waiter left without telling anyone to take over the table. So we finished eating and sat around twiddling our thumbs, looking around, and our waiter still didn't show up. So we finally signaled another waiter and told him our waiter hadn't come around in awhile, and you know what he told us? He went home because he was having back pains. Now, if you leave in the middle of your shift, shouldn't you maybe get someone to take over for you?!? least the food was good. -_-
Later he drove me home, and we had to endure a 45-minute drive on the freeway in his car without a/c. In the hottest part of the day. I nearly died. x_x
So that's the latest of my exciting life adventures.
And now, off to bed!
Those peaches look amazing! I'm jealous cause our peaches are always horrible imported organic ones because they can't grow here (obviously) ... you're lucky if they contain any juice. *sigh* :(
Yeah, this year's crop was really good and ridiculously juicy, haha. I didn't realize that peaches don't grow in England, but I sympathize with you-a lot of the peaches in stores around here are hard and not very tasty, so these ones were a treat.
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