Monday, March 16, 2009

Friends + movie-mocking = ♥

Tonight I rediscovered the value of friendship (and cheap theaters-ugh, I hate the American spelling of this word! I shall forsake it). One of my best friends and I went to the $3 (R.I.P. $1) Theatre this evening, because I had finally convinced her to see Twilight w/ me.

Now, before you disregard this post as another Twilight-obsessed rant, allow me to explain. I am a fan of the books; I enjoyed reading them & thought they were well-written. However, I am not obsessed beyond reason, nor do I think that Edward is The Perfect Guy. He has his redeeming qualities, to be sure, as do all fictional love interests, but I find his obsessive fangirls a bit frightening. Personally, I spend the majority of my obsessive energy on LotR, and everything else is secondary. :P

But I digress. I have seen the Twilight movie thrice now, and it seems to get worse with each viewing. I just did not like the way the two main actors (Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson) delivered their lines (it was too awkward-sounding), and throughout the movie they never seemed to convey a sense that they were falling in love. Plus, the screenplay was teeming with cheesy one-liners that, while they may have sounded good in the books, did not translate well onto the screen. However, I thought that most of the supporting actors/actresses did a great job, and the music & scenery was wonderful. So basically, as I told my friend, if you just squint a little (so as to not see the bad acting) and make up your own lines, you'll enjoy the movie.

ANYWAY, so we went to the cheap theatre, and we prepared for a couple of hours of fun. You see, we decided to make the movie enjoyable by adding our own commentary/wisecracks/etc. My friend hadn't seen the movie, but she had read the plots of all 4 books (cheater, tsk, tsk) on Wikipedia, so she somewhat knew what was going on. Let me tell you, the cheap (aka poor people's) theatre is the best place to watch a movie if you want to be able to goof off during the show, because there's hardly anyone else in the theatre with you, and chances are everyone's seen the movie before, so you don't feel as bad about disrupting their movie-viewing experience. We did whisper, though-we're not completely inconsiderate. Let me just say that I enjoyed the movie this third viewing more than the other two combined, due to the constant mocking that my friend and I engaged in.

Two Words: Good Times.

I thank God for: my friends. So often I forget how much they contribute to my well-being and sanity, but every time I hang out with them, I am reminded of how blessed I am to have them in my life. Cheesy and cliché, yes, but true. So thank you, Lord!

And good night to you all (or none, whichever category you readers may fall into).

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