1. Sitting in class, absorbing (or not) info
2. Trying to have a social life, and putting off doing my hw in the process
3. Frantically trying to finish said hw on time, and failing miserably half the time
This has not been a good semester for me at all, so I'm glad it's almost over. I don't regret spending more time w/ my friends, though-I never spend enough time with them, and I always have the most fun goofing off together. Mostly watching movies @ home & walking aimlessly around various malls since we're poor and mostly unemployed atm, but still. ;) It's like high school all over again.
ANYWAY, so that's what my school & social lives have been like. In other news...Lent came and went, and Easter, too! I kind of fell off the bandwagon as far as my Lenten aspirations went, due to a number of factors (one of which being the death of my uncle Benny-may he rest in peace). But I greatly enjoyed participating in the Triduum services, especially on Holy Saturday evening @ the Easter Vigil-my absolute favorite Mass of the whole entire year. No matter how lousy a Lent I've had, going to the Easter Vigil always brings me back to God. I wish I could adequately describe it-our entrance with candles into the dark church, the multiple Scripture readings and psalms in the dim light, the lights being turned on as the congregation sings our first 'Alleluia' since Lent began, the joyous Gospel proclamation of Christ's Resurrection, and Fr. Ed's ever-beautiful and joyful homiy about the miracle of Easter. Then we get to witness the baptism (always emoional for me, even though I usually don't know the people) and/or reception of other Sacraments by new Catholics ♥ and renew our own baptismal vows. All the while we get to sing beautiful hymns of joy.
Then I go back again on Easter morning to squeeze in with the Christmas/Easter crowd (if you're one of those people, come more often, please!) to celebrate again.
So...I think that's it for blogworthy news. Oh, and I decided to give Twitter a go, as you can see on the sidebar >>>. I like it, even if I'm the only person who reads my tweets. OH! One more thing...I've got myself a new quasi-addiction: the Eurovision song contest. Check out the youtube channel and get yourself addicted, too.
Can't wait for the contest finals on May 16...I'll totally be watching online! Thinking of having someone(s) over to watch it w/ me, but not sure if any of my friends will understand my newfound addiction. So far my top 5 (ok, 6, couldn't make up my mind) favorites are:
1. Serbia's Cipela
2. Finland's Lose Control
3. Bosnia & Hercegovina's Bistra Voda
4. Ireland's Et Cetera
5. Andorra's La Teva Decisio
6. Armenia's Jan Jan
When it gets closer to the finals, I may comment more. Go watch all 42 songs on youtube! There's some awesome music out there.
K, gotta go finish a paper now.
God bless!
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