Here I sit, using my new laptop (a generous Christmas gift from my parents, who were probably sick of hearing me complain about being stuck doing hw on the family desktop computer in the dreary corner of the family room day in and day out). It's an HP Pavilion, 14" screen, Core2 Duo processor, 4 GB RAM, 350? GB storage (I think). Now, normally, none of that would make much sense to me, but trying to shop for this thing has broadened my knowledge of computer properties [albeit infinitesimally]. Here's what it looks like. Originally I had gotten (bad word choice, I know) a Gateway, but it kept freezing and the store we bought it from was no help, so we just returned it, went to a different store and found this one. My only complaint is that the lettering on the keys is difficult to read in certain lighting, but I guess that's just an incentive for me to learn to touch-type (I know, I'm in college and I still haven't figured that out-what can I say? I didn't pay attention during computer class in junior high).'s been way too long since I've posted, and I didn't have much motivation (and had half-considered deleting this thing) until I read a blog that I like to follow, which I hadn't read in a long time (due to the fact that I haven't been online much recently). Anyway, it inspired me to start bloggng again, even though I don't think anyone reads this. It's kinda therapeutic, y'know? And since I've stopped writing in my regular journal (it depresses me, for some reason-bad memories, maybe?) I think posting here will be a nice change of scenery.
So, what's new in my life? Well, I'm in my 4th semester of community college already (I can hear the judgemental thoughts forming in your head-believe me, community college is much better than it's commonly portrayed!)-only one more semester to go after this one until I transfer to a university. Of course, with all the budget-cutting drama that my state's universities have been discussing, I dunno if there will be a university for me to go to (joking, but they are considering closing the campus nearest to my house).
I'm taking less credits than last semester (13 instead of 17-definitely a relief), but I'm not overly fond of a couple of my classes, especially anatomy *twitch* (I am terrible at science) so that's a bummer. And I keep worrying about getting a job, because I want to save up $ for a variety of possibilities. But I've never had a job before (pathetic but true) and I'm a little nervous about trying to find one now. I'll probably wait until the end of the semester, to save myself from unwanted/unecessary stress.
What else..? Oh yeah-it's Lent again! It always takes me by surprise. I'm still not quite sure what I'm doing for Lent (see, I procrastinate in my spiritual life as well! ¬_¬) but I want to do something proactive this year (i.e. doing something rather than giving something up). I had thought about cleaning my room as a penance, which desperately needs doing (I envy those people who keep their rooms nice & tidy) but I don't have much time to do it during the week, and I want to choose something that I can do every day. I've always wanted to read St. Faustina's published diary (called Divine Mercy in My Soul) but I never get around to it. Maybe I'll do that...we'll see. Next time I update my blog (which will be soon, I swear!), I'll let you (O nonexistant readers) know what I've decided.
Well, I must be off to do my homework and other necessary things.
'Ta Lue!