Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"This is [My] Life"

Have you ever had one of those days where a song just keeps reverberating through your head?

It's been one of those weeks, actually.

Even when I was praying after Mass today, the lyrics came to mind. It's really a very beautiful song (and I'm a sucker for soul-stirring songs).

Although I do not own any of Switchfoot's cds, I really like their music, or at least all the songs I've heard on Youtube and their Myspace page. I love songs whose lyrics can be taken as Christian or just plain inspirational at the same time, and Switchfoot's songs do just that.

...methinks I need to buy me some cd's.


In other news, I'm getting back into the rythm of the school year. I love, love, love it. <333 Although I'm going to have to curb this procrastination issue if I want to stay sane all semester.

God bless!